Our Partners

During our time in Turkey, we learned about the cultural and historical importance weaving has played throughout the country's history. This industry has always been dominated by women, except for the selling of the pieces made. 

We're partnering with different women's organizations throughout Turkey to give back and promote entrepreneurship and an enhanced life for these women. Your support means more opportunities for women in Turkey and beyond. 


KEDV-Kadın Emeğini Değerlendirme Vakfı or FSWW-Foundation for the Support of Women’s Work, established in 1986, is a non-profit,
non-governmental organization. It aims to support low-income grassroots women to be
economically active and improve the quality of their lives and their communities.

Though FSWW works at community level, it believes the importance of networking and advocacy at national and global level. FSWW is a part of global networks such as Groots International,
Huairou Commission and Women’s Learning Partnership, and took active part in C20, one of
the engagement groups of G20, and chaired Gender Equality Working Group of C20 in 2015.